
S&C | PT | ATC |DC

1 day course: 14 CEUs | $600

Jess Elis teaching pre-course material


Reconditioning is the distinctive course that sheds light on the return to play process for lower extremity injuries. Though the course is focused on end stage rehab, the education is viewed from the lens of a medical practitioner. Training performance through pathology requires elevated knowledge of movement progressions and requires all practitioners (PT, ATC, S&C, DC) to have a strong foundational knowledge. The multidisciplinary approach is critical to Reconditioning and all practitioners are welcome to attend the course.

The course is a hybrid model of online curriculum and a live practical session. Online curriculum entails 6 hours of CEUs followed by a full day of a movement lab (8 CEUs). To further enrich the educational experience, a movement library will be provided for additional review.

Course Objectives

  • Improve understanding of performance-based principles related to physics and biomechanics

  • Bridge critical thinking concepts related to lower extremity pathologies and safe progressions into performance or sport

  • Provide guidance on RTP testing and decision-making on sport clearance

  • Increase understanding related to the 5 general movement competencies and master the continuum of regression/progression

  • Enhance communication skills amongst different practitioners to promote collaboration in the RTP process

RTP con ed instructor Jess Elis
RTP con ed co-instructor Keegan Ross

keegan ross

Jess Elis

meet your instructors

Jess combines his education (DPT, SCS, OCS, PhDc, FAAOMPT) with his experience (Director of Physical Therapy for EXOS & Director of Player Health and Performance for the Portland Trail Blazers) to guide you through clinical decision making throughout the RTP continuum.

Keegan (DPT, SCS, CSCS) is a hybrid practitioner that works in the blended world of rehab and performance. His work experience includes working at EXOS where he has led both Combine NFL and NBA groups. He also has a strong understanding of the social nuances needed to work with professional athletes and brings a great knowledge base on athletic care.

Both practitioners have been involved in the high demand settings of sports rehab/performance and bring expansive knowledge of the RTP process. While both are here to present you with exclusive content, the main focus of these courses are to elevate your thinking and decision making. They will challenge you to think critically and become a better practitioner.

comprehending Movement competencies

The course will be broken down into 5 general movement competencies found within most multi-directional sports. These movement competencies are as followed: Acceleration, Max Velocity, Deceleration, Change of Direction, and Plyometrics. The 1-day movement lab will compartmentalize each movement competency and review the progression/regression continuum. Additionally, education will include discussions on selected rehab introductions based on different pathologies and different RTP testing options. The intention of this course is to bridge comprehension between different types of practitioners to elevate the current standards of end stage rehab and return to sport of lower extremity injuries.

5 movement competencies


  • Click on the link at the top of the page or send us an email with your contact information. We look forward to connecting with you soon!

  • Reconditioning is accredited for licensed physical therapists. At this time, CEUs are not accredited for ATC, S&C, or DC. Our courses are designed to be beneficial for all professions however at this time we are unable to guarantee CEU approval. We are currently in the process of working with the BOC for our ATC community and the NSCA for our strength and conditioning courses. We will provide updates once the courses are approved.

  • If provided with an adequate timeline, Rehab Code will submit the course for state approval. That being said, the company is not responsible for securing approval from any state licensing agency for continuing education credits. Participants can independently send their requests to their state for CEU approval.

  • Reconditioning is a unique hybrid course that provides virtual, on-demand videos to be completed before the course. The one day live course will focus on implementing the information gained in these videos and will take a heavy “hands-on” approach. Be prepared to be active and involved as you learn the 5 movement competencies and methods to progress and regress each depending on the stage of rehab.

  • To purchase this course, you will create an account on the platform Teachable. Here you’ll gain access to the prerequisite educational videos that will need to be completed prior to the start of the live course. The platform audits the completion of these virtual courses and you will be expected to complete the videos for approval of full CEU totals.

  • Rehab Code honors a 30 day cancellation policy with a full refund, minus a $100.00 administrative fee. Your refund will be processed within 7-10 business days from receiving your refund request. Any request falling outside the timeframe stated in this policy, does not qualify for a refund.

    Reschedule option is available with at least a 2 weeks notice prior to the course start date, at no charge. Rehab Code will assist with a one-time reschedule to a future course start date within six months of your original cancellation/reschedule date. There will be a $50 transfer fee applied to the action. Replacement coursework does not have to be the same as the original course.

    Cancellation or transfers for a course rescheduled due to a national disaster or Federal, State, or local ordinances

    -No refunds are given.

    -The registrant’s enrollment will be immediately transferred to the new date.

    -If the registrant cannot attend the new date and notifies Rehab Code within 14 days of the reschedule notice, a full credit shall be issued to the registrant’s Rehab Code account

    -If the participant cancels after the 14 day grace period and prior to 21 days before the new start date of the class, the cancellation/transfer fee shall apply and the balance shall be issued as a credit to the registrant’s Rehab Code account.

    -If the participant withdraws less than 21 days prior to the class, the registrant forfeits the full tuition.